Meta You Gain: 5 SP You are the one who the choices you choose apply to. CYOA They played a CYOA, adapted to fit their perceptions (So, it didn't call their own reality a story, and if Worm didn't exist as a story in their reality, then the CYOA gave them the CliffNotes of it.). If their choices don't make sense for them to have made, they may come to the conclusion that they were mind controlled. Difficulty Easy You gain more SP and CP from Scenarios, Perks, and Drawbacks. Higher (Tier 5) Gain: 100 SP Gain: 100 CP You have extra starting SP and CP. Scenario & Setting Ancient Civilization Cost: 30 SP Cost: 40 CP You are dropped in between the birth of Mesopotamia and the birth of Rome (about 6,500 BC - 753 BC). You have some leeway in choosing when you drop in. Alternate Earth Instead of arriving on Earth Bet you will arrive in an alternate earth. Pick any other world from the Alternate Earths. Bleach Gain: 40 CP Origin of Powers: Reiryoku Major Threats: Hollows, S�?suke Aizen, Espada, Xcution, Wandenreich, the Gotei 13 on a bad day Major Powers: Ichigo Kurosaki, Kisuke Urahara, S�?suke Aizen, Gotei 13, Wandenreich, Soul King Note: If you start in the human world, you will need to take Reiryoku to be able to perceive spirits. If you start in Seireitei or Hueco Mundo, you are a spiritual being by default, and will need to take Reiryoku to retain your flesh-and-blood body. Lost (Perilous) Gain: 15 CP You don't get to choose your starting location. You appear somewhere actively dangerous to you, it could be because of the environment like a desert or mountain top, or because the locals are hostile to you. Missions Character Reincarnation Thankfully, whatever method was used to make the portal, it allows you to be reincarnated as someone who fits your criteria. You shall have all their memories and skills, you'll be able to act just like they did. You can decide how far you merge, if it's just your mind in their body with their memories and skills, or if your personalities merge completely. If you want you can decide how this works if you want to figure out a way to make this not stealing someone's body, mind, and soul from them. Original Character Cost: 5 CP You reincarnate into an original character, you can choose their appearance, age, and occupation freely. Female You are a biological female. Interesting fact: most parahumans are female. 10 to 12 years old Gain: 3 SP You're starting puberty and finishing elementary school. Younger capes tend to be more powerful, but the Wards don't allow them to do much. Skills Thousand Styles Master Cost: 25 CP You are a master of free-form martial arts. You are not limited by style and instead, move your entire body like a weapon and flow between moves like water. Talented Artist Cost: 5 CP You have a talent for learning and combining martial arts Adaptable Martial Arts Cost: 1 CP You find it easy to adapt your knowledge of martial arts to fit with any and all powers you have, even if it completely changes your body. You're also good at adapting martial arts to be used simultaneously with other martial arts you know. Martial Weapons Master Cost: 15 CP You are a master of several weapon-based martial arts. Martial Weapons Artist Cost: 5 CP You have a talent for learning and combining weapon-based martial arts. Marksman Cost: 10 CP You are a skilled marksman. You are also proficient with the most common ranged weapons and can figure out more exotic weapons with ease. Parkour Cost: 5 CP You know how to fall, how to land, how to jump, and how to maneuver. You're a master of parkour. Survival Cost: 5 CP You know how to survive without money, whether that's in the wilderness or in a city. Stealth Cost: 5 CP You know how to be stealthy. This includes both the crowd blending and the sneaking/hiding approach. Internal Clock Cost: 1 CP You have a sense of exactly what time it is at all times, even if you can't see the sky or have been underground for long periods of time. Spatial Awareness Cost: 1 CP You know your surroundings, and always have a sense of the direction you are facing. Babel Cost: 10 CP You have a gift for languages that transcends the boundaries of the multiverse. You can speak fluently any tongue that exists in this world or any other. You can decipher and learn any language that you hear, even if it is alien or ancient. You have a perfect memory for every word and grammar rule that you encounter. You never forget a language, no matter how many you know. You are a master of communication, a linguistic genius, a polyglot of the multiverse. Perks Rapid Learning Cost: 5 CP Incompatible: Entity Your ability to learn anything is greatly improved. You learn both theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge over 5 times faster than your base capability. This only affects you mentally, meaning while you can learn multiple martial arts, you may not be physically capable. This only works on mundane skills and your ability to use a power effectively. Cosmetic Shapeshift Cost: 5 CP Incompatible: Entity Just once, you can change your appearance to anything you'd like, as long as it's within human limits. You can change your sex and age, along with any internal changes that these entail, but nothing more. You can not increase your muscle mass with this power, though you can redistribute it. Trumped the Trump Cost: 5 SP Incompatible: No Powers Incompatible: Entity Any powers and internal power supplies you possess cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, controlled, reproduced, or otherwise manipulated against your will. Unless you will it to be otherwise, Trump powers do not work on you. You could even block certain aspects of power influencing you. Such as being given power and not being Mastered through it. You can be Mastered into consenting to a Trump working on you if you're not immune. Paragon powers can trump this immunity under certain circumstances (specified in the power's description). Powered Sustenance Cost: 2 SP Incompatible: No Powers Incompatible: Entity You no longer need to eat, drink water, breathe, or exercise as your Shard or Power will sustain your body for as long as it has energy. Who Wants to Live Forever? Cost: 5 SP Incompatible: No Powers Your ability to age can be altered whenever you want. You can make yourself younger or older whenever you want. You can also fake age as if you were growing up normally, although you wouldn't suffer the normal effects of old age. This doesn't increase toughness or physical ability aside from protecting you from the frailty of age. Noctis Cape Cost: 3 SP Incompatible: No Powers Incompatible: Entity You have no need to sleep, you'll constantly be alert and awake. You also have an infinite and perfectly eidetic memory, capable of perfectly recalling anything that has happened to you since you received your powers. Any memories prior to your trigger are remembered as well as you could recall them when you triggered. Fan Service Cost: 5 CP Required: Cosmetic Shapeshift, Beautiful, Handsome, Androgynous, Victoria Dallon, Sarah Livsey/Lisa Wilbourn, Aisha Laborn, Hana, Dean Stansfield, Brian Laborn, Carlos, Colin Wallis, Max Anders, Incompatible: Entity You are beautiful or handsome. No, that is an understatement. You are more attractive than even a supermodel. Any wounds you receive will heal properly, and you won't have scars unless you want to, and even then they won't look ugly. You won't gain muscle mass as you work out unless you want to, though you'll still get stronger, faster, and gain more stamina as you work out, it just won't be visible. Adorable Cost: 5 CP You are Adorable. No matter what you do or say, people will find you absolutely adorable. You can be covered in blood and people will still find you adorable, if a bit creepy. This affects your subconscious actions and both conscious actions and physical appearance to a limited degree. You can toggle this perk on and off. Well-Adjusted Cost: 5 CP Incompatible: Relatability Incompatible: Cold Heart You won't lose your sanity or rationality under any circumstances unless you're being controlled by a power. And even if you somehow did, no matter the circumstances, you will never lose your humanity and empathy. Your team, family, or friends will always be there to bring you back from the abyss. Your personal issues are much easier to work through and even without help you'll be able to get through them in time. This might take a while if it's bad, but you'll make it out eventually. This also makes you highly resistant to mental health problems and emotional manipulation, though not completely immune. You’re also really good at helping others through their issues, and it’ll stick more often than not as long as you can get through to them. 'Plot' Armor Cost: 5 CP You're not unlucky. You won't get killed by accident, only by something someone did intentionally. Someone has to go out of their way to kill you if they want you dead. This power doesn't protect you from Endbringers (or any other truly overpowered or world-ending threats). Just as Planned Cost: 10 CP The Fate or "Canon" of this world is molded by those much higher than yourself and unless intentionally acted against shall follow the same path. Unless you involve yourself directly in the events foretold by Wildbow everything shall follow the path he laid out more or less. You can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that a teenager will sacrifice her humanity to save the Multi-Verse because you decided to take the easy way out. Coward. Homecoming Cost: 5 SP Incompatible: Entity Now, even without a specifically geared power, you're capable of traveling to potentially any universe, assuming you have a power that would make it possible. (Any teleportation power or similar that works on memories now works on memories from before you gained powers.) You can travel to other worlds by accessing the medium in which it is depicted. (A Harry Potter book for the Harry Potter universe, a Skyrim game for Skyrim, the One Piece anime for One Piece, etc.) Holding Back Cost: 5 SP All your powers, strength, and perks can be selectively held back to the point they can be turned completely off. You can scale your Reality ending destruction to be tuned down to cause mild concussions. This grants you the ability to not overkill everything in existence. As long as you want to, it's almost impossible for you to kill someone. This does not work on drawbacks or on perks that rely on items like Wealthy. Trump Compatibility Cost: 5 SP Incompatible: No Powers Your Trump Powers can affect other power systems that are incompatible. Shard powers like Fairy Queen can affect souls and Shardless powers that affect souls can influence Shard Records like the Butcher. For all intents and purposes, Shard Powers are treated like Magic from a Patron. And Shard Powers treat Shardless powers as Shard Powers. Accentuate the Positive Cost: 8 SP Cost: 8 CP You are now immune to the side effects of sources of power from outside of your body, including combat drugs, artifacts, enchantments, magical pacts, items and other things you wield by giving you only the beneficial parts and leaving the rest behind. This comes with complete immunity to addiction. Eliminate the Negative Cost: 12 SP Cost: 12 CP You are now immune to the side effects of internal powers. Magic that may have drawn on your emotions to fuel its power now has a separate pool. Any drawbacks your powers, biological traits or magic systems may have held have been wiped away. World Clean Cost: 2 SP Your body will be completely self-cleaning. The moment you close your eyes, any dirt and grime built up on your body or your clothing will magically disappear. Not only that, but you'll also carry a wonderful scent, perfectly tailored to the liking of yourself and those around you, such that everyone smells you a little different, but love it all the same. You'll both smell, feel, and be heavenly fresh forevermore. Countdown Cost: 5 SP Cost: 5 CP Once you have defeated the Zion (and/or Eden if applicable) any self-targeted drawbacks you have chosen will be removed. (Examples: Monologue, Trouble Magnet, etc.) This specifically targets the side effects, limitations, and other adverse consequences associated with the selected drawbacks. It is important to note that certain drawbacks may require the achievement of specific goals for their complete removal, In such cases, the associated drawbacks will persist until the designated objective has been successfully accomplished. (Examples: CUI Summer Camp, Endbringer Target, etc.) If no Entities exist in your destination universe, the drawbacks will be removed after 25 years instead. (This perk is not applicable to drawbacks that involve environmental changes or the acclimation drawback). Serendipitous Luck Cost: 3 CP The universe conspires in your favor, no matter what you seek to achieve or overcome. Good luck follows you at every turn, increasing the likelihood of success and decreasing the likelihood of failure in all your endeavors, no matter how challenging they may be. Luck smiles upon you always. This might not help you win the lottery, or find your soulmate but it can be felt in almost every aspect of your life. Sixth Sense Cost: 2 SP You possess an innate ability to perceive and anticipate danger or hidden information. Inheritable Cost: 5 SP Incompatible: No Powers Your powers and perks can be passed down to your descendants, and to adopted children who have been in your care for at least 5 years, or not in any combination of your choice. Heir to the Throne Cost: 5 SP Required: Inheritable Your powers aren't just passed down through your family - they become a legacy. Your descendants inherit not just your abilities, but also your charisma, intelligence, and even your sense of purpose. They feel a deep sense of connection to you and your past, and will carry on your legacy even after you're gone. But this isn't just a one-way street - as your family grows, so too does your power. Your abilities grow stronger with each new generation, and you can feel their presence like a comforting blanket, even in the afterlife. Worryless Cost: 5 CP Those you care about, such as your friends, family, and loved ones, are protected by fate. Similar to 'Plot' Armor, they're protected from negative or unfortunate circumstances, even when it comes to the supernatural. People are less likely to target them, and your enemies will prefer to use other methods of getting to you. Beneath Notice Cost: 4 SP Cost: 4 CP Beings that are two or more magnitudes of power above you won't notice you unless you are explicitly brought to their attention. Even if they were to somehow learn of you, the information would seem to be of little importance, causing their mind to unconsciously prioritize other subjects over you. This also protects against any passive effects they have that would affect you or protect against this perk. Drawbacks Case 53 Gain: 10 SP Gain: 15 CP Incompatible: No Powers Incompatible: Entity You do not look human. How bad you look depends on your chosen appearance. If you chose Self-Insert or Insert you'll now be able to go back and choose your appearance. The more good-looking your appearance the more human and good-looking your appearance will be. On the other hand, if you chose ugly or disfigured, prepare to look like Noelle. Your appearance may also be based on a random one of the powers you chose. Conscious Geas 5 Gain: 6 SP Gain: 12 CP Regardless if you're immune to Master/Stranger powers or not, you have a geas on you. A geas is a compulsion you must obey. You are aware of your geas and are not affected mentally by it, but if you try to go against the geas you won't be able to. It may make your body move on its own if you try to disobey. If your geas was to be a good person, then you would find yourself forced to do things that you felt a good person would do. The more specific the Geas, the more debilitating, impossible, and painful it is to resist. If the Geas is extremely general, such as to be a good person, you could get away with being an asshole or even petty theft with only some heartburn, but if it was something like not stealing, then if you tried to steal you'd find yourself paralyzed and feeling as if hundreds of red-hot needles were before forced into every nerve on your body. Unconscious Geas 7 Gain: 12 SP Gain: 6 CP Regardless if you're immune to Master/Stranger powers or not, you have a geas on you. A geas is a compulsion you must obey. You are unaware of your geas, and their effects are entirely mental. If your chosen geas was to be a good person, then you would find yourself genuinely trying to be a good person. If that was your geas, you would have to shift your alignment to good though. This is NOT caused by your Shard if you have one. To be clear, you forget you chose this Perk even if you remember all your other choices. The more general the Geas is, the less it affects your personality. If your Geas was to be good, you'd find yourself a significantly better person, or at least trying to be a significantly better person, but you might still occasionally do something you know isn't good because of selfishness, revenge, or some other reason. If your geas was more specific, like to not steal, you'd obsessively hate the idea of stealing and likely couldn't do it even if it would stop the entity from ending all worlds. Poor Gain: 15 CP Incompatible: Wealthy Incompatible: Drop-In / Insert Incompatible: Entity You or your family is not very wealthy. If you're a CEO then your business is quickly going downhill, though you're not yet poor, just getting there with a lot of momentum. Ditz Gain: 8 SP Gain: 8 CP Incompatible: Entity Outside of battle, you're clumsy and forgetful. These can both be removed through your powers or through practice. Lightweight Gain: 8 SP Gain: 8 CP Incompatible: Entity You can't hold your alcohol. A single shot and you're slurring your words, stumbling, and likely making a fool of yourself. No powers or abilities you may gain can prevent this. Orphaned Gain: 20 CP Incompatible: Orphan Incompatible: Drop-In / Insert Incompatible: (Orphan) High School Student Incompatible: (Orphan) Middle School Student Incompatible: (Orphan) Elementary School Student Incompatible: Annette Hebert Incompatible: Hana Incompatible: Colin Wallis Incompatible: Danny Hebert Incompatible: Shawn Incompatible: Kenta Incompatible: Max Anders Incompatible: Thomas Calvert Incompatible: Jacob Your parents will die within the next month due to it being favorable to further Cauldron's Goals. Short of you killing your parents yourself, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent this. They will die because you wanted them to, and you will know. (The only way to save your parents is to use the Raven power to bring them to your home universe. Best prepare an explanation.) Homeless Gain: 20 CP Required: Poor Incompatible: Drop-In / Insert Incompatible: Entity You live on the streets or in the wild. Your whole family could be like this, or just you if you're an orphan. A Little While Longer 3 Gain: 8 SP Gain: 8 CP Required: Homecoming, Planeswalker, Incompatible: Reluctant Dimension Hopper "By the way, I'm disabling your multiversal traveling privileges. No running away from this you munchkin. I am going to anchor your soul to your chosen setting." Your ability to traverse the multiverse has been disabled and all forms of methods to get out of the world you are trying to leave will fail. You must wait a while before a successful jump to another universe is made. It takes 1 year for the soul anchor to fade. Taking this option multiple times multiplies it by 10 for a maximum of 100 years. Acclimation Incompatible: No Powers Incompatible: Entity Your powers start out much weaker and grow to double the capability over a period of time. In the context of powers with multiple numerical values (i.e. number of charges and strength of charges) the product of all the values doubles. This means either one parameter doubles, two parameters increase by 1.4, three by 1.25, etc. (the n-th root of 2 for n parameters.) For frequencies, they are multiplied by the inverse. (2x becomes 1/2, etc.) You can choose which parameters are affected. Worst Day Ever Your first day on Earth Bet (or wherever you arrive) will suck. Jet Lag Gain: 20 SP Gain: 20 CP Incompatible: No Powers Incompatible: Entity Your powers start out 50% weaker and grow over time to 200% of their base power. Normally they will grow to 100% in six months and 200% in twelve months. The more you use your powers creatively the faster they will grow. Opens a row below Turtle's Gait Gain: 20 SP Gain: 20 CP Required: Jet Lag Your powers will start out 50% weaker and grow over time to 200% of their base power. Normally they will grow to 100% in six months and 200% in twelve months, but instead they will grow to 100% after twelve months and 200% after twenty four months. The speed of this process cannot be increased. Snail's Pace Gain: 40 SP Gain: 40 CP Required: Turtle's Gait Your powers will start out 50% weaker and grow over time to 200% of their base power. Normally they will grow to 100% in six months and 200% in twelve months, but instead they will grow to 100% after sixty months and 200% after one hundred and twenty months. Through dedicated and varied training, you might be able to marginally reduce the duration of this drawback. Snails Are Quicker Than You Gain: 40 SP Gain: 40 CP Required: Snail's Pace Your powers will start out 50% weaker and grow over time to 200% of their base power. Normally they will grow to 100% in six months and 200% in twelve months, but instead they will grow to 100% after one hundred and twenty months and 200% after two hundred and forty months. Through dedicated and varied training, you might be able to marginally reduce the duration of this drawback. UnTimely Gains Gain: 30 SP Gain: 30 CP Required: Jet Lag Your powers will normally grow to 200% of their base power in twelve months. Instead, they will grow to 200% after twelve-hundred months. This affects Jet Lag, Turtle's Gait, Snail's Pace, and Snails Are Quicker Than You. Through dedicated and varied training, you might be able to marginally reduce the duration of this drawback. Wet Noodle Gain: 20 SP Gain: 20 CP Required: Jet Lag Normally, your powers will start out 50% weaker and grow over time to 200% of their base power. But with this, your powers will start out at 25% and grow to 200%. This affects Jet Lag, Turtle's Gait, Snail's Pace, and Snails Are Quicker Than You. Jellyfish Gain: 20 SP Gain: 20 CP Required: Wet Noodle Normally, your powers will start out 50% weaker and grow over time to 200% of their base power. But with this, your powers will start out at 10% and grow to 200%.This affects Jet Lag, Turtle's Gait, Snail's Pace, and Snails Are Quicker Than You. At The Starting Line Gain: 40 SP Gain: 40 CP Required: Jellyfish Normally, your powers will start out 50% weaker and grow over time to 200% of their base power. But with this, your powers will start out at 1% and grow to 200%. This affects Jet Lag, Turtle's Gait, Snail's Pace, and Snails Are Quicker Than You. Worst Day Gain: 45 SP Gain: 45 CP You will have the worst day ever. It will be ten times worse than the bad day and you'll really have to use all your wits to survive the day. (If you picked Corona Pollentia you are certain to trigger on that day, provided you survive it) Shard Shardless Cost: 10 SP Cost: 10 CP Your powers do not come from a Shard but from another source like your genetics, soul, and the like. You can only select powers from the Shardless category. Some Perks and Drawbacks may be restricted. You can choose whether all your powers are distinct or facets of a greater whole, in either case they will be able to affect each other and/or synergize together unless explicitly stated. Over time, the synergies can change or reinforce depending on how your powers grow. Essence of Shard (Normal) Cost: 5 SP You can pick powers from the Tier 1 section. Powers Tinker Cost: 1 SP When you're coming up with blueprints, your mental gaps will be filled by your unconscious mind as long as you have the prerequisite knowledge to come to the conclusion yourself given enough time. Also makes it easier to learn to engineer or program. Thinker (Multitask) Cost: 1 SP You can give your full focus to several things at the same time without difficulty. The amount of things you are able to focus on varies depending on how mentally taxing each task is, so you might be able to hold only 2 or 3 conversations at once but you could do a dozen minor tasks simultaneously. You are still limited by your physical capability to do multiple things at once; you only have so many hands after all. Trump Cost: 1 SP You know when Parahumans are nearby and have a one word generalization of their powers. Brute/Breaker Cost: 1 SP You can enter into a state of hibernation at will. While hibernating your subconscious mind will keep watch for danger and wake you when you want it to, allowing your conscious mind to rest in an enhanced sleep. Hibernation is four times more effective than sleeping, allowing a full night's rest in just two hours. Brute/Thinker Cost: 1 SP Your sense of pain is replaced by a light, undistracting fizzy sensation, allowing you to operate at full capacity regardless of injuries. A different sensation like an itch will occur if what you're doing will exacerbate an existing injury. Changer/Mover Cost: 1 SP You can shrink down into a "fun-sized" version of yourself, greatly increasing your speed and mobility and proportionately decreasing your weight and strength. Changer (Contortionist) Cost: 1 SP You have inhuman flexibilty, able to contort your body into a space the size of your head. Changer (Ritsuka) Cost: 1 SP You can transform your appearance into what you would have looked like had you been born the opposite gender, as well as switch back to your original appearance at will. (Shaker/Master/Thinker/Blaster) Bag of Holding Cost: 3 SP You can project a portal to a pocket dimension with seemingly infinite space in it. You will always know what's in the pocket universe, and you will always be able to retrieve what you want from it. The opening of the portal will increase in size when trying to insert something larger than the hole itself. The pocket dimension can hold all the water in the world, but it would take many of your lifetimes. You can telepathically order the portal to shoot something out at 60 miles per hour or less. (Breaker) Immune Response Cost: 2 SP You are highly resistant to all forms of poison, heat, electricity, and acid. You are totally immune to all forms of sickness and radiation. You are only moderately resistant to poisons that nullify your powers. You would die if you were on the surface of the sun for more than a couple of minutes. A lightning bolt would still mildly sting. A Tinkertech acid might still cause harm, if it's corrosive enough. (Master/Thinker) Poison Ivy Cost: 8 SP You have telekinetic control over all plants within 500 feet. You can do things like use vines to trap people or crush them with a tree. You cannot make plants fly. You also have an unlimited capacity to multitask to control plants. (Changer) Self-Biokinesis Cost: 11 SP You have total control over your internal biology and appearance. This can only transform away Case 53 if you mess with your Corona Pollentia and Corona Gemma so that they don't turn you back into a Case 53. Panacea Cost: 14 SP You have touch-range biokinesis. You can only use this on others, not yourself. You have an instinctual understanding of most biology, but even so, you cannot always understand biological-based Parahuman powers, such as the biological armor of Bitch's dogs. Trojan Aesthetics Cost: 5 SP Your looks are increased by two levels. If you are already at the top level, then you look divinely attractive. Catfolk Cost: 5 SP You are no longer fully human, but have taken on some minor traits associated with felines. Your five senses have expanded several orders of magnitude. You can see clearly in near darkness, easily differentiate scents better than any bloodhound, easily track and triangulate sounds around you, etc. Your head is adorned with an adorable, and quite functional, pair of cat ears. You have very sharp claws that you can easily retract or call to use at your fingertips. A cat tail completes your set of cat features and greatly improves your balance, easily compensating for complex motions to keep you upright. Your body, in general, feels lighter to you and is much easier to move in, granting you an improved acrobatic skill–enough to easily always land on your feet. You have a special ability enabling you to seek out and find delightfully warm sunbeams and other locations of supreme comfort. At your leisure, you can emit a soft aura around you that enforces others’ perception of your adorableness and your need to be taken care of and protected. You are free to choose which breed of domestic cat you take after. Bake-Danuki Cost: 20 SP Oh? It seems you're a mischievous fellow, huh. It makes sense, I suppose, as you're now a member of the y�?kai race the Bake-Danuki. A powerful and mischievous creature, you now possess a multitude of powerful physical and magical abilities. To start with, you now possess a much greater degree strength and agility, capable of outclassing even most brutes, as well as incredible senses capable of tracking someone that passed through even the most crowded of places days ago, or even hearing the heartbeats of others from the other side of a large building. Alongside this, you also possess the ability to manifest the appendages of your species at will, most notably the extremely dexterous and prehensile tail. You’ve been ingrained with muscle memory as if you had had these traits all your life. The next is perhaps a Bake-Danuki's most well known power: You now possess the ability to freely shapeshift into anything you wish, capable of taking the form of anything from that of an old lady to even a massive building or boat. And finally, perhaps your kind's most obscure power, is that by grasping a leaf in your hands, you may transmute it into whatever you wish, from living creatures such birds and dogs to inanimate objects such as a pen or kettle. Oni (Re:Zero) Cost: 10 SP You are an Oni. Outwardly, you look no different, but you can enter your Oni form, manifesting a pair of horns. In this state, your physical capabilities greatly surpass humans, capable of killing monsters with your bare fist. You also passively absorb ambient Mana, boosting both your physique and magic. Do be careful, as there is a chance of your going berserk. Gramarye (Inheritance Cycle) Cost: 15 SP Gramarye is magic that grants its users the power to use their energy to manipulate the world around them. Magic is ultimately directed by a user's thoughts, but is usually cast through use of the Ancient Language, which was tied to magic by the Grey Folk. Every act of magic is corresponds to a specific word in the Ancient Language, allowing for a much more regulated command of magic. The impossibility of telling lies with the Ancient Language greatly reduces the chances of making mistakes over non-verbal casting of magic. The link between magic and the Ancient Language grants great control to those who learn the true name of someone. The cost of casting magic is the expenditure of energy required to accomplish the task of the spell under mundane means. Usually this energy is drawn from the user, but practiced users can learn to draw energy from infused gems, or be supplemented with energy from other magicians. Proper knowledge can allow a magician to merely draw the required energy from their surroundings. Magic allows a magician great capacity for affecting the world around them, limited only by their own knowledge and ability to supply the energy for their spells. You start with a basic knowledge and vocabulary of the Ancient Language. As you study and practice you will find yourself learning new words and phrases you can use to cast magic through. Chakra (Naruto) Cost: 0 SP Chakra is the life energy that is produced by every individual to some degree, composed of physical and spiritual energy. Physical energy is collected from every cell of the body and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. Spiritual energy is derived from the mind's consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience. Chakra is normally not visible unless it is highly concentrated or manifested in large amounts. You've become capable to use Chakra on the same level as an Academy Graduate, with the knowledge of basic Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu. You can use Chakra to reinforce yourself to become stronger, faster and more resistant. You gain an Elemental Affinity of your choice with a C-rank technique in that elemental affinity, and knowledge in how Jutsu is made through experience in Chakra Molding and familiarity with Chakra theory. With study and experience, you can use all 5 elemental affinities. Reiryoku (Bleach) Cost: 10 SP Reiryoku is a power aligned with the spiritual sensitivity and willpower of the user. It is used by Shinigami and other spiritual beings to provide power for their various abilities. You start out about as strong as a Shinigami in training or newly-formed Hollow. With Reiryoku, you're capable of seeing ghosts and spiritual beings, affecting spiritual beings and sensing the spiritual power of others. With the right training (and one of the races picked), you could stand in the air while keeping still, running at the level of supersonic speed or even light speed, living for thousand of years, manipulate Reiryoku to heal, defend and for powerful attacks of sheer spiritual energy. You're capable of emitting Reiryoku as "Reiatsu" a form of intimidation capable of even making people much weaker than you die by your spiritual pressure. (While capable of many things on it's own, this power works best with one of the races below picked.) Shinigami Cost: 5 SP Required: Reiryoku (Bleach) You may have died or maybe someone threw your soul outside your body severing your soul chain in the process. Whatever happened now you possess the power of Shinigami. You have bonded with an Asauchi, which will transform into your Zanpakut�? when you gain the name of your inner spirit. You are also trained in the four core techniques of the Shinigami which are Zanjutsu, the art of sword fighting, Hakuda, unarmed combat, Hoho, mobility techniques and Kido, demon magic as well as in the art of Kons�?, the process by which a Shinigami sends wandering Pluses in the Human World to Soul Society if they are good in life, or Hell if their life was full of evil acts. You are also extremely long lived, with some of the captains having lived for 1000 years. You have knowledge equivalent to a freshly graduated Shinigami, and have the potential to reach the level of captains and beyond. (You can customize your Shikai and Bankai ability. Also you can customize the general appearance and personality of your Zanpakut�?.) Visored As a Shinigami, you were infected by a Hollow, allowing you to gain some power from it. You are normally indistinguishable from ordinary Shinigami and are able to use all of normal Shinigami abilities. To use your hollow powers, you must don your Hollow mask. This augments your Shinigami abilities with Hollow powers, as well as giving you access to Hollow abilities like Cero. Your spiritual pressure likewise changes into a mix of Hollow and Shinigami. Normally, you have to fight your inner Hollow to use your powers, however your inner Hollow is quite cooperative allowing you to use your hollow abilities without any problems. This is incompatible with Arrancar add-on, due to varying starting race. You may select to become either an Arrancar or Visored depending upon your base race. Kusanagi no Tsurugi Your semblance and your Zanpakut�? have fused together creating a power stronger than either of them without any of its component's weakness. As your Zanpakut�? has fused with your semblance, you don't have an inner spirit (or you may elect to keep your inner spirit for it may have fused with your semblance and grown to a higher level), and are able to use your shikai without any requirement for release or name of your spirit. Your bankai is in the form of a second form/power up that you have and can enter into anytime as long as you have sufficient spiritual power/aura. Your first and second release as an Arrancar also follows this pattern, with you being able to use your first release/true form's powers and abilities in your humanoid form. Also you will be able to create swords akin to your Zanpakut�? with your spiritual power and aura. Hollow Cost: 5 SP Required: Reiryoku (Bleach) You lingered in the living world for too long without finding peace or moving on to the Soul Society after death, becoming susceptible to negative emotions, regrets, and despair. These negative emotions eventually consumed your soul, eroding your humanity and turning you into a hollow. Hollows are powerful and malevolent spirits that have lost their hearts and transformed into monstrous creature driven by an insatiable hunger for souls. Hollows possess a wide range of grotesque and nightmarish forms, often combining animalistic features with a humanoid shape. Their distinct masks serve as both a defining characteristic and a source of power. These masks symbolize their shattered identities and human pasts. As a hollow you possess formidable spiritual energy, granting you immense strength, speed, and regenerative abilities. You are a relentless predator, attacking with razor-sharp claws, powerful bites, and energy blasts known as "Cero" and are capable of opening gateways to other dimensions known as Garganta. Unlike other hollows you never lost your sapience and is directly born as an Adjuchas. Moreover, unlike normal hollows you do not need to continuously devour souls to prevent yourself from regressing back to Gillian. However, you still need to consume sufficient number of souls to evolve into Vasto Lorde. (You can customize your special ability that you receive as Adjuchas.) Arrancar As a Hollow, you removed your mask with or without the help of H�?gyoku and survived the process thereby becoming a Arrancar. Unlike normal hollows you possess a complete humanoid form, with the exception of a hole somewhere in your body as well as fragments of your mask. In your humanoid form, your physiology is also quite similar to Shinigami and you have access to Hollow abilities like Cero, Bala, Descorrer and so on. As an Arrancar you seal the major portion of your abilities within the form of a sword, which acts somewhat similar to Shinigami's Zanpakut�?. When you release your sword's seal, you regain your true form and power as a hollow. This increases your combat ability by several times. This release is known as Resurrección. You also have potential to achieve a second more stronger form known as Resurrección: Segunda Etapa. This is incompatible with Visored add-on, due to varying starting race. You may select to become either an Arrancar or Visored depending upon your base race. Fullbringer Cost: 5 SP Required: Reiryoku (Bleach) Through direct exposure to a hollow while in utero, a fragment of its essence has become intertwined with your soul, transforming you into a Fullbringer. As a fully realized Fullbringer, you possess the ability to manipulate the souls residing within both inanimate matter and other living beings, albeit with greater effort for the latter. Recognizing that everything possesses a soul, you have acquired the power to manipulate and influence these spiritual energies. This grants you capabilities such as walking on any surface, enhancing your speed through control over the ground, and even manipulating the soul within the air to enable flight, your imagination is the only ceiling here. You also possess the capacity to imbue your essence into objects, allowing them to gradually develop into fullbrings. The speed at which this connection is formed between you and an object is determined by your emotional bond and affection towards it. Once an object has become a fullbring, you can activate it, potentially triggering transformations and granting you new powers and abilities that are unique to both the user and the particular object from which the fullbring originated. You are not restricted to possessing only one fullbring, as you can create multiple ones, although the subsequent creations come at a greater cost compared to the initial one. Quincy Cost: 5 SP Required: Reiryoku (Bleach) You are now an enhanced human capable of discerning the presence of Hollows and other Souls. Through combining and manipulating the Reishi present in the atmosphere with your own Reiryoku, you can fashion a spiritual weapon of your choosing. As a pure-blooded Quincy, you possess a distinct advantage in gathering and absorbing Reishi significantly faster compared to ordinary Quincy individuals. Over time, the line between Reishi and Reiryoku blurs for you, granting you unprecedented offensive, defensive, and supportive abilities, as both energies seamlessly intertwine. Your primary spiritual weapon, typically a bow and arrow, is a versatile instrument that allows for sustained offense. As long as your stamina remains intact and your capacity to absorb Reishi persists, you would have an unlimited supply of arrows at your disposal. Your distinguished lineage also eliminates the need for an intermediary conduit to materialize your weapon; summoning and employing it becomes as natural as an extension of your own limb. Furthermore, the process of continuously absorbing Reishi, coupled with your lineage, enhances your physical capabilities, including an extended lifespan spanning multiple orders of magnitude. This enables you to keep pace with any of your adversaries, eventually attaining mastery over them through dedicated practice and the passage of time. The Quincy also employ several techniques, each of them have be catalogued and outlined in your mind, enabling you to attain them and further master them, if you are willing to spend the required effort to do so. Aura (RWBY) Cost: 10 SP You have the power of Aura from RWBY. You can gift the power of Aura to others if you can figure out how. Aura will absorb most damage done by any physical or elemental attack you're aware of, give you a bit of a sixth sense, and will enhance your strength, speed, durability, stamina, senses, and reflexes. Aura depletes upon taking damage or as you fatigue – and takes a period of time to recharge once it’s gone. Eventually, you’ll discover your Semblance - an expression of your soul’s true form, fueled by Aura. Auric Blade You are able to form your Shehai from any part of your Aura, having your Spirit Sword suddenly form on your heel mid-kick is surprisingly effective. Aura has a profound effect on your Shehai, stabilizing it with the light of your soul, no longer requiring constant focus. You are able to awaken an individual's Shehai in a very similar manner to how Aura is awakened. As you have learned how to both protect and attack with your very soul, you experience twice the growth you otherwise would. The best defense is a good offense, and you take that to heart. You are able to sacrifice your Aura in order to improve your Shehai's capabilities, initially you are only able to sacrifice half of your Aura for a 25% boost to your Shehai. With time you will be able to control exactly how much Aura is sacrificed, and even improve the conversion rate. Soul-Body Connection Your Aura connects your soul to your body without tension, it is now easier for you to influence reality through your Aura. Your Aura is qualitatively better than the norm when it comes to efficiency, durability, and versatility. Additionally, your aura's protections now extend to provide an incredible defense from non-physical attacks, including poisons, sickness, Trumps, Masters, Strangers, reality rewriters, and any power that directly affects others, so long as your aura remains unbroken. Redefined Restrictions You have found a way to manipulate the copied Semblances you receive in the Classroom, this allows you to sacrifice specific parts of a Semblance in order to increase another aspect. You are now able to awaken your students to both Aura and Shehai at the same time, granting them an individualized form of Auric Blade. Your golden pages can now be used in much more esoteric manners, from permanently copying Semblances to creating a new power from a sealed object. Your ability to affect your Shehai using outside sources has increased tremendously, you are now able to affect your Aura with these bonuses. In combination with a golden page you'd even find yourself capable of modifying your True Students Shehai with their permission. Classroom of Semblances Now when you light up your student's aura, you also receive an additional golden page if given a student's true gratitude. Your students are guaranteed to awaken their semblance even without your help, with your support you are able to tailor semblances not yet unlocked to smooth out inconsistencies and faults that would be unwanted. Any student taught by you in the use of aura experiences a 10x growth multiplier during your teachings, and receives a 2x passive growth multiplier. Your True Students are able to access your Classroom of Semblances, an archive of all your True Students Semblances. Here all of your True Students are able to temporarily access other True Students Semblances, without sparing any additional energy, the shared semblances will only be a facade of their normal strength. True Students are able to volunteer a portion of their Aura in order to gain a stronger connection with another's Semblance, eventually reaching the strength of the original owners. Mythical The presence of spiritual power in your soul has synergistic effects with your aura stimulating it and making it grow to absurd levels. This has amplified the offense, defense, healing and all other abilities provided by your aura. Moreover, due to the absurd amount of aura and it's healing capabilities, your lifespan has been increased to around 1000 years (around the level of shinigami captains) and this continues increasing with the increase in spiritual power of your soul. This also allows you to use all your powers that are restricted to your soul form in physical body and increases the might of your semblance to an unprecedented level. Shehai (TES) Cost: 15 SP You are a Sword Singer, able to harden your soul and wield it as a spirit blade to incredible effect. Starting out you will be capable of little more than rending your way through a small bandit clan. But as you grow in skill and power you will be capable of ever more extraordinary and exotic effects. Eventually, you will boast a host of esoteric sword abilities, including the power to divide the indivisible. A Teacher is Always Learning You are able to teach your students how to manifest a Shehai with ease, although only your True Students will be able to go as far as you are able to. Each student that learns the way of the Sword Spirit gives you an extra golden page when you receive their true gratitude. Each golden page used on advancing your soul has two times the effect. You are able to shade your Shehai with anything stored or sealed within the Library, adding a unique power depending on the source of the tinge. The more a student learns from you the more you are able to receive from shading your Shehai. You are able to give True Students your Shehai temporarily, allowing them to experience a skill of yours directly, or even as a life-saving move later on. Eternity Weaponized Your soul is strengthened to the point that it can handle Eternity, and it shows. Your Shehai is indestructible, requiring no effort to manifest, eventually you will be able to permanently manifest your Shehai. You have an affinity for Eternity and can develop abilities related to it with ease. Even starting off you leave behind a slice of Eternity in each strike, meaning your Shehai's attacks cannot be healed with ease, to cut with your Shehai is to tell the world this is how it will be for the rest of time. Your swordsmanship is self-correcting and ever growing, reducing the amount of energy required for every swing with more use. You will never lose your Shehai as a result of pushing too far, sinking entire continents at no cost, giving an entire race an inborn heritable trait with no sacrifice. Eternal Flame Cost: 40 SP Your Immortal soul burns brightly, like few others, leaving your existence eternal and nearly inviolable. Over time you can recover from anything, even things like true death or reality erasure, reforming at a safe location. You will always return to peak condition in body, mind, and soul. You will not age past your prime, remaining at your peak fitness and attractiveness eternally. These protections are conceptual, allowing you to somehow heal even from things like imprisonment, misfortune or timeline alteration. This power works slowly, but is completely loophole free. You are an Omniversal constant. This power cannot be lost, stolen, drained, suppressed, copied, or otherwise negatively affected, and it will restore your other powers and abilities just as it restores you. Soul's Panoply You can make your Aura Sing to Eternity like your Shehai does, allowing your entire body to act as a weapon. Your self-correction now applies to everything you do. You can do similar things to your Shehai without the use of a sword. Stepping miles at a time, grabbing space to rip a hole open to teleport, moving things with a wave of your hand. You can do anything and connect it back to the Song of Eternity, bringing forth unrealized possibilities with each action. Soul Smith You are able to give a piece of your soul to your students to carry through their Story. You cannot design these Artifacts entirely, however you are able to influence them heavily. These Artifacts will require a portion of your student’s copied Concept, from a small trickle to almost the entire thing. You are able to use golden pages to enhance the Artifact tremendously, giving it innate qualities otherwise unreachable. The more you put into the Artifact, the more it will grow for your students. These Artifacts will adapt to their owners story, retroactively receiving abilities that reflect its owners past feats. These Artifacts are able to be combined with a Shehai, binding them to a Students soul and empowering the respective Shehai. Over time and through incredible feats, the original Concept used to create the Artifact will return, keeping a connection to Artifact made from it. Library of Heaven's Path (Library of Heaven's Path) Cost: 15 SP You are in possession of the Library of Heavens Path. What this means is that all of your knowledge can be organized in any ways you want, and used to automatically infer any knowledge you can with what you already possess. Anything or anyone you look at, or touch, your power will catalog and write a mental book about, with all their flaws and strengths presented. When you are given the true gratitude of a student you guided, you are given a golden page in your mental library. The uses for this page are many, but a few are: It can enhance your soul, It can instantly compile your knowledge on a subject into its best form and then push a step further beyond, and it can seal anything into the Library in a book. A Proper Education You are to use all semblances of True Students with ease, your Eternal Soul fuels the Classroom of Semblances, reducing the energy requirement from True Students while increasing the overall power of shared Semblances to their normal power. Each Student’s Semblance is enhanced due to the bleedthrough of your soul, granting them each Soul-Body Connection. Whatever you discover when using a True Students Semblance is refined then passed onto them. This refinement occurs passively across the entire Classroom regardless of current Semblance. Core Concepts Each of your students leaves behind a Concept that best fits them. These Concepts can be used for various purposes, although you will always find success when applying these Concepts to your Shehai. For example, a True Student with a burning love for fire could leave behind some aspect of Fire, allowing you to create a Shehai that represents this Concept, perpetually burning it's own Concept til the end of time. There is no Concept that doesn't exist, and while you may not know everyone's Concept on sight, you are certainly capable of nudging students in the right direction. You may only guide them, not earn it for them. Eternal Refinement Your soul and archive of knowledge are constantly being refined by your soul's light. The effects of your golden pages are qualitatively better than before. Each golden page enhances your soul by a magnitude compared to your old golden pages. You may even develop the powers of your students, without the weaknesses they suffer from, golden pages can allow you to gain these extra powers at a much faster rate. Soul Garden Cost: 5 SP The Soul Garden is a simulated afterlife dimension that's tethered to your soul. The weary and the mourning are welcome to rest and heal within its comforting embrace. With this, you possess your own personal afterlife for the souls of those who matter to you, or for those you allow to enter. The ones you have lost or those who have passed on can find solace in the garden when they reach their time. While here, they will experience an afterlife as designed by you. Keep in mind that this isn't a real afterlife, however. It's essentially a soul storage from which spirits can "sleep" and "dream". However, taking respite here comes with many advantages; not only do they heal from any spiritual injury or curse with time spent within its healing aura but it also allows for the safekeeping of their soul. Inner Beast Cost: 15 SP Inside your soul another awakens, you gain a spirit embodying your powers. This spirit is a part of you and has an absolute and complete understanding of your powers, can you help you learn your exact limits, help to train to surpass those limits, and help you maximize your performance as much as possible. They can communicate telepathically, manifest themselves before you as incorporeal and invisible to others, can take over and/or manifest through minions you have control over through master-like powers or can physically manifest in the real world. Physically manifesting will be tiring at first and cannot be held for long but over time will become easier till you can hold it permanently. They can also take over and continue a fight if you become incapacitated and may freely manifest in any inner world or dimension you have with no strain. Their personality, appearance, and every other aspect is perfectly suited for you and will change to continue to be as you change, as such they are the perfect friend, lover, teacher, and whatever else you wish and will never betray you. If you wish your inner beast may simply remain silent and improve your performance as much as possible. Kitsune Cost: 20 SP You have gained the physiology of a Kitsune, commonly known as a Fox Demon or Fox Spirit. As such, the older you get, the stronger you become, and the more tails you gain, increasing your powers further. You begin with only one tail; this bestows upon you the essential abilities common to all Kitsune. This includes, but is not limited to, the ability to change your form by altering your shape. Foxfire, your Kitsune heritage also grants you access to magic. Your magic can also be used for anything your imagination can come up with, although dark magic is the easiest, as are controlling nature and cursing enemies. including flight. Your Kitsune heritage also grants you power over Illusion, Insanity manipulation, giving and taking mental disorders from people, Life-force absorption, and manipulation, allowing you to give and take life-force and use it for your own ends as well as speeding up the process of gaining new tails, possession, and sleep inducement. You also possess the ability to manipulate the dreams of others. As well as a supernatural intelligence that grows with age. You start with enough strength to easily destroy a city with your strength and durability to tank an explosion to the face or endure attacks of similar strength to your own. Your Foxfire can burn through anything and will not go out so long as you will it to exist. You need no sleep or food to survive. Your sense of smell is so good that you can smell everything within a city and distinguish between the scents of each individual person, as well as being able to smell when they lie or if they are sick. Your sense of hearing is also on a similar level. You also possess night vision. Your powers grow the more tails you gain; you gain tails for every 100 years that you live, with the ninth tail taking 1000 years. With each tail, you increase your powers—your powers to twice what they were before—as well as obtain new abilities with each new tail, such as space and time manipulation and reality manipulation once you gain your ninth and final tail. You can optionally be any type of kitsune. Examples include but are not limited to Tengoku, Tricksters, Kukan, Kaze, and many more. Yuki Onna Cost: 20 SP You belong to an offshoot of an ancient and recluse race, the Yuki Onna. Yuki Onna are a race of y�?kai that can instinctively control supernatural snow and ice that cannot be melted by normal mortal fire. You are particularly powerful, able to wield snow on a scale as to freeze a small town on a moment's notice, and so precise and skilled as to recreate an entire village down to the most minute details with no more effort than blinking. As a side effect all your other powers, if you have any, will rise to match the instinctive control and strength of this if possible. You can continue to grow this over time A traditionally almost entirely female race, your offshoot seems to have resolved this issue through the result of interactions with humans generations ago, resulting in your population not needing to follow the strange practices that the original race had to make sure they survive. As a result of this you’ve been granted incredible control over the development of your offspring, enabling you to choose whatever they inherit from you and any other parent, whether gender, appearance, disposition, or even powers based on genetics. They will all be perfectly healthy and free of any diseases, genetic or otherwise, and unless you wish it otherwise, will be the most perfect version of themselves they can be. As a bonus this also makes you the perfect parent, granting you the supernatural skill and knowledge on how to make every single right decision in raising them and the ability to follow through with it. If you wish, you may take a small village of 200 of the same race as you to take as free followers. They will all possess the Yuki Onna power, and if you wish, you may also impart on them any other ability you possess that is a result of a race or species. All members of this village, and any children you have as well, will be perfectly loyal. Sharingan (Naruto) Cost: 0 SP You now gain access to the Sharingan in its fully developed state with three tomoe, and with its potent capabilities at their fullest extent. By activating the Sharingan, you possess four main abilities; The first is the capability to employ genjutsu using your eyes, exhibiting powerful hypnosis and masterful illusions capable of subduing even the most indomitable wills. The second is the extraordinary faculty to see, sense, and comprehend esoteric and magical energies with utmost clarity. The third is perceptual acuity so significantly enhanced that you can discern even the most minuscule details within your field of vision, even being able to easily track objects moving at speeds surpassing the velocity of sound by several orders of magnitude. This lets you anticipate your opponent's movements almost perfectly, to a degree verging on precognition. The fourth is the ability to replicate and copy any technique witnessed while activated, giving you unmatched versatility in combat. However, the eyes cannot replicate techniques reliant on sources that cannot be learned, such as divine favor or superhuman biology. These eyes operate without expending any energy, and suffer from no strain or fatigue from prolonged and uninterrupted use, wield them as you wish. Byakugan (Naruto) Cost: 0 SP Originating with the Ōtsutsuki Clan, the Byakugan is one of the "Three Great D�?jutsu" alongside the Sharingan and Rinnegan. They grant the bearer a near-360º field of vision around themselves, save for a small blindspot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra. You can focus your vision on anything within the range of your Byakugan, and can penetrate nearly any object, being able to see through walls, underground, or even the contents of someone's body. You can see chakra to a greater extent than someone with a Sharingan, including the 361 tenketsu points along someone's chakra pathway. The Byakugan's ability to see chakra grants increased resistance to falling under genjutsu, but doesn't completely remove the risk. They can, however, be used to increase the effectiveness of your own genjutsu. These eyes operate without expending any energy, and suffer from no strain or fatigue from prolonged and uninterrupted use, wield them as you wish. Ancestral Byakugan The power of the Ōtsutsuki has suffused through you, awakening an evolution of your Byakugan, granting you a d�?jutsu on par with that of the mother of chakra, Kaguya, herself. Your Byakugan is now also capable of seeing infrared radiation, determine the level of chakra development someone has, even to the extent of whether or not they can mold chakra at all, and to see into a target's mind to determine their thoughts and feelings, even to look through their memories. The range of your Byakugan is now great enough to reach the extents of entire nations. Rinnegan (Naruto) Cost: 0 SP The Eyes of God are yours now. The Rinnegan’s name might sound overly grandiose, but be assured, it is not. You have these eyes now, along with all the powers that come with them. These take the form of multiple ‘paths’, each with its own abilities. You can use all of these powers in one body if you want, but you can also use multiple bodies, one for each path. Each path has it’s own theme as well as two passive effects that are always active. Where it would matter these things stack with and augment any such affinities, control, or reserves you already possess. First of all you have the Deva Path, which grants you control over the physical world and its fundamental forces. You will start out with instinctive control over gravity but as you practice more and more of the physical world will fall under your purview. This path’s passive buffs are, exceptional affinities in all five normal elements and the ability to freely mix whatever elements you can manipulate. The second path is the Asura Path. This path gives you dominion over your own body, allowing you to manipulate and transmute it in whatever way you desire. You can create metal, transmute your body into a cyborg and back, or even heal yourself freely. Whatever is generated from your body can transmit your chakra, even when it is no longer connected to your body. This Path’s first passive buff is an incredibly powerful body and vitality granting exceptional Yang chakra, and a monstrous chakra capacity, either half the size of the Jūbi’s or double your own, whatever is greater. The Human Path grants you dominion over the mind and souls of people, including your own. You can manipulate them and interact with them directly, so much so that you could even extract their memories from them with just a touch. This Path’s passive buffs are an increased mental acuity granting exceptional Yin Chakra, and extremely fine control over your chakra. The Animal Path, the fourth path, grants you access to summoning. Any being that you personally defeat and/or kill can be summoned by you. However you are not limited to this and will over time learn to summon anything and everything, such as summoning the souls and bodies of people who have long since died, or even creating portals to summon yourself elsewhere. This Path’s passive buff is that any trials or requirements to get summons are smoothed over due to this, and the ability to summon anything that is considered “yours�? to your person at any time. The Preta Path allows you to absorb anything and everything from your surroundings, even from other people or techniques headed at you. You can not only absorb this, but convert it to chakra so you can add it to your own reserves, even to the extent of increasing your overall pool to a reduced extent. This Path’s passive buffs is an innate ability to analyze and break down the structure and knowledge of anything you absorb, and an incredibly adaptive chakra system allowing you to replicate the properties and characteristics of whatever you absorb. The Naraka Path grants dominion over the metaphysical and the underlying fundamentals of reality. You’ll start off with instinctive control over life and death, allowing at the start to repair the bodies of living things or even, at an immense chakra cost, resurrect the dead. This path will require the usage of other paths to channel it’s abilities through, but over time will allow you to use it just through this. This path’s passive buffs are an instinctive understanding of reality, and the ability to directly interact with the forces you’ve gained control over. These eyes operate without expending any energy, and suffer from no strain or fatigue from prolonged and uninterrupted use, wield them as you wish. Nascent Divine Cost: 80 SP You are a divine entity, within any kind of celestial hierarchy of your choosing, regardless of the form this takes the region of the multiuverse that you operate in is sparsly populated by other gods, and your suprierors if they exist are very hands off, as long as you arent trying to destroy the multiverse. As a divine being just by existing you drive your "Myth", which is the holy record of your divinity. As your myth grows so to do you, the process of growing your myth can be fueled by the devoted worship of your faithful, as well as being as simple as doing things. Obviously the more impactful your actions the greater the growth of your myth. The increases you gain to your myth are permanent growths. You also gain access to A Primary domain and two secondary domains that are related to your primary, which can be things such as fire, war, administration, or cheese, and two related secondary Domains, such as weapon for war or storm for water. As your Myth grows and you grow in power you gain more domains, both primary and related secondaries. You are able to manifest different abilities and powers as long as they can be tied back to your domains. Your true self resides in your Sanctuary, a pocket universe which is under your complete dominion and is the only place you can truly be killed in. This Sanctuary will be influenced by your domains and will grow as you do as it is, in essence, a part of you. Outside of your domain, your powers are more limited but still formidable. Your avatar can take any form you desire. If your avatar is killed outside of your domain, something not easy to achieve, you will revive within the hour in your center of power. You also have the ability to set up systems known as Theurgy that you and your followers have access to, these systems can include methods of sacrifice, prayer, or any thing that you wish to codify and can be as granular and detailed as you wish, through theurgy you can empower and interact with your followers in miriad ways. Any conscious being that becomes aware of your myth contributes slightly to it regardless of their faith in you, the stronger the memory and emotions that are tied to their knowledge of your myth increases your myth by a greater amount that basic common knowledge. Planeswalker Cost: 25 SP Your Spark has ignited and it is the very same that Pre-Mending Planeswalkers once held. You are able to planeswalk through the multiverse at your leisure. You can target any plane you have already visited easily but accessing a precise destination blindly will require some practice, in the meantime you will jump to semi-random destinations every time. Your body is now a projection of your Soul, in time you will be able to alter your appearance at will and even replicate the abilities of other creatures. Your Soul is also a powerful source of Mana. While you are able to cast spells, you do not have the knowledge to do so. You can of course learn by yourself, find a Mentor to tech you, or pick any of the magical powers available in this section. In time, as you grow in power and familiarity with your abilities, you will be able to create your own pocket dimensions and demi-planes. Jade Disciple Cost: 25 SP Your Meridians are unlocked and you are capable of circulating Qi through them. You are at the first stage of your chosen cultivation system from any xianxia/xuanhuan media and while you can learn multiple cultivation systems though it is not recommended if you don't have any protections or don't know what you are doing but you can pick up dharma spells and techniques from any other system, and through arduous training you will be able to refine your body and spirit, to purify your essence and distill it to attain higher levels. With each level you advance, you are capable of stronger and more fantastic feats. You can hone and reinforce your body into a living weapon, force your life force into constructs to do your bidding, be a master of beastly transformations, or a natural at spell formations to turn the elements against your enemies. Whatever your chosen path, you are capable of great things. The speed at which you can cultivate and attain higher levels faster than most cultivators as you are far more talented than the average cultivator. You can attain the realm/level equivalent to Great Sage in around a decade of regular study and practice. The more time you dedicate yourself to it, the shorter this time becomes. An ancient spirit of knowledge has fused with your soul, this spirit is aware of all the core knowledge of cultivation in your system and beyond, meaning that not only would you not lack knowledge in anything related to cultivation and you can commune with this spirit to access their knowledge and learn new techniques or acquire knowledge of how to advance your path, and given enough time how to create your own system. Sorcerer Apprentice Cost: 17 SP Your ability to manipulate Mana, one of the fundamental energies of the multiverse, is unlocked. Your mana core has just formed and starts with a small capacity to store and transfer mana but it can be increased through practice and rituals. You have an innate knowledge of the basic elements of the three fundamental branches of mana manipulation. Conjuration, the shaping of mana into constructs that produce an effects. More commonly known as spells, your library contains information about many different systems of magic and with perseverance you might discover the secrets of True Magic. Enchantment, the creation of objects powered by Mana, capable of producing the same effects as Conjuration but anchored to objects. And Alchemy, the creation and transformation of materials and liquids with Mana. From potions producing effects when ingested to esoteric metals and gems to use in Enchantments, the creation of devices, or armor. A library of grimoires about the three branches of mana manipulation has been implanted into your memory as well. You will still need to read and understand them and acquire the necessary skills but all the knowledge you need is at your fingertips. With this power, you can reproduce any magic system from first principles and even create your own. The library contains several broad magic systems to get you started. While this ability has no theoretical upper limit, the more complex and powerful Conjurations will test your knowledge. Over time, as your understanding of mana expands, you can discover new branches of magic beyond the primary three. With enough time you will be able to reach heights only the gods can dream of but be careful not to break reality or destroy your soul on your journey there. You can reach the power of Sorcerer Supreme in around a decade of study and practice. The more time you dedicate yourself to it, the shorter this time becomes. Objects of Power Chakra Fruit (Naruto) Cost: 25 SP Every thousand years, a God Tree produces a chakra fruit, which human legend holds is never to be touched. these fruits are immensely powerful, producing medicine that grants them godlike power along with extended youth and longevity. Upon consumption, you gain a monstrous chakra reserve equal to the shinju and a powerful dojutsu - the Rinnesharingan. With all the powers of the Rinnegan and Sharingan. Two bloodline limits also appear. Kaguya had Ash Bones, able to instantly turn anything they hit into dust. And the byakugan. Sweet Home Cost: 15 SP Congratulations! Now you are the owner of a magic key, which, if inserted directly into the air, will open a door-portal to a pocket dimension. Both the door and the dimension are hidden, and nothing in the world can get any access there without your permission or even know they exist in the first place. The door is also covered by a perception filter, so only you can see or interact with it. The key is tied to your soul and you can summon/unsummon it will. It cannot be stolen or lost. The inner space of the dimension is a small sea with a paradise island in the middle, on which stands your personal Sweet Home. Or is it a Mansion? No, wait, it's a Tower floating in the Clouds! And now it's a Cabin in the Forest with mountains in the background... Hmm, it seems that on your first visit, Sweet Home will take exactly the form that you find desirable for relaxation and living. The house itself is clearly "smart", it can rearrange the rooms, change the interior and, of course, self-clean or even self-repair. The presence of ethereal servants is optional. Inside the house there are already several pre-configured rooms: Your private quarters, where sleep is five times more effective than anywhere else. A kitchen equipped to prepare any meal and whose food stocks will be replenished every day. Control Center where you can customize how your home/dimension looks like, day/night cycle, weather and other things. And a small workshop where for now the only thing you can do is duplicate the key to create another portal door in a different location or combine several keys into one master key. If you have any other house-type objects, you can put them inside your pocket dimension. Important: any changes you want to make (add a room, increase a dimension, upgrade a workshop, etc.) will require energy. Absolutely any energy that you possess will do - mana, ki, psi, etc. If you are an unpowered person, you can use your stamina, but expect it to take much longer. Fusions & Upgrades Biobringer Cost: 10 SP Required: (Changer) Self-Biokinesis Required: Panacea, Amy Dallon, You have absolute control and understanding of all carbon based lifeforms. You also can control biology at three times the rate you could before. Awakener Cost: 5 SP You can awaken the talents you possess into another. To impart the capabilities to use supernatural power within them to grow just like you do. While they may not possess the library of knowledge you have, you can still teach them many more. If you are teaching them personally, they grow leaps and bounds faster than self-study. Dimensional Projection Cost: 22 SP You can extend the reach of your abilities into further physical dimensions, enabling them to have an impact in the past, future, and across dimensional boundaries. This extension is subject to the inherent range limitations of each individual ability, with the 'distance' over which you can reach determined by the metric of the dimensional structure you're affecting. Because of this, reaching through time is horrendously inefficient, with a range of 1 light-second roughly corresponding to affecting targets 1 second into the past or future. Endless Reserves Cost: 20 SP Your reserves of any supernatural energy you might have, such as mana, psychic energy, chakra, spiritual power, or qi, are now made functionally limitless, being considered constantly, permanently filled to their maximum. While this doesn't actually increase the size of your reserves directly, this does substantially increase the rate at which they grow indirectly, among other things, by allowing you to use 100% of your power at any and every moment without fear of running dry. Merlin Reincarnated Cost: 15 SP While you aren't actually the reincarnation of Merlin, people will certainly believe you are due to your magical prowess. You possess the innate ability to cast spells silently and without the use of a focus. Your magic flows effortlessly from within, unhindered by traditional means of spell-casting. Your efficiency and control of magic are instinctual, allowing you to execute spells swiftly without any decrease in their potency and even reduce the amount of magical energy required to cast. No magic is beyond your reach. Through observation and exposure, you can quickly learn and master any spell, even those you have only witnessed once. Inborn magical traits and abilities are also within your grasp, as your mastery over magic extends to its very foundations. No magical knowledge, regardless of its corrupting or dangerous nature, can harm you. You are shielded from the detrimental effects that would afflict others, allowing you to explore and utilize even the most treacherous and forbidden spells without consequence. Each time you cast magic, your powers expand and evolve. The mere act of wielding magic fuels your progression, enabling you to uncover new spells, theories, and insights into the vast realm of magic. There is no limit to the magic you can discover and harness. The rules and limitations of magic are mere guidelines to you. You possess the extraordinary ability to bend and break the traditional boundaries of magical practice. This grants you the capability to cast spells that would otherwise be deemed impossible, pushing the boundaries of magical potential. This does not give you magic alone, it merely acts as generic magical upgrade for any systems you purchase through the CYOA or gain during your journey. Nekomata Cost: 10 SP Required: Catfolk The cat within your inner spirit has finally grown to a proper maturity, granting you a new form. You are able to assume a large, seemingly normal, quadrupedal cat form. The most notable feature, aside from your size, is your forked tail. As you continue to grow, your tail will eventually split into two full tails. Once this happens, your original tail will fork once again. Every tail you grow in this manner represents an extra life you can expend to continue should the worst come to rear its head. You will never be able to grow more than nine tails in total, however. As the number of your tails increases, you will find a corresponding decrease in the rate at which you age. You will find that your senses have taken another leap in potency. Your vision is now capable of seeing in complete darkness, but will be reminiscent of low-light conditions rather than day-like. You are also able to see and hear spirits and other spiritual entities in your viscinity. Your main supernatural ability in this form arises in the manipulation of a special ghost-like fire that you can emit from the tips of your tails or paws. Emitting these flames from your paws can allow you a form of flight by running on the air itself and leaping further than should be possible for the amount of force you use. Fire emitted from your tails take-on a more spiritual nature and is capable of harming ghosts, spirits, and other similar entities. Your fire can interact with souls, themselves, allowing you to harm someone without damaging their body. With time and practice, your flames can take the place of a soul for the purpose of reanimating and controlling the recently deceased. As you learn to manipulate your flames, you will come to learn how to affect their properties to cast impressive illusions. At the peak of your manipulation, you will find the ability to fully consume any object that is completely engulfed in your fire, with no harm to yourself. Senju (Naruto) Cost: 5 SP Required: Chakra (Naruto) You now possess the esteemed lineage of the Senju clan, renowned for their exceptional life force and immense physical and mental energy. This bloodline bestows upon you a range of attributes. Firstly, you inherit a potent life force that manifests as remarkable stamina, overall vitality and physical strength, you no longer need to use hand seals for all but the most advanced techniques, and you gain the regenerative abilities of Hashirama Senju (the accelerated cell growth of which neither shortens your lifespan nor gives you cancer, even enhancing your lifespan by lengthening your telomeres when they shorten). Additionally, you experience a heightened capacity for acquiring or creating new techniques, and possess formidable reserves of chakra, equal to that of a mature Jinchūriki. But most notably, you inherit the profound power of Wood Release, an art formed by the harmonious fusion of Water and Earth elements. This sacred technique enables you to breathe life into existence using your own energy, primarily in the form of wood and other botanical creations. Wood Release excels in almost all situations. You can summon solid wooden barriers to fend off attacks, ensnare adversaries with roots and branches to catch them off guard, and generate fields of fruit that emit poisonous gases capable of explosive impact beneath the enemy's feet, your imagination sets the boundaries as you can craft colossal wooden constructs, rivaling the size of mountains. Remarkably durable, your wood surpasses the strength of tungsten-steel alloys and possesses the unique ability to absorb life energy from anything it ensnares, should you desire it. Uzumaki (Naruto) Cost: 5 SP Required: Chakra (Naruto) It seems you possess the blood of the Uzumaki, a now decimated but once proud and enigmatic clan descended from Asura himself. The Uzumaki were provided incredible abilities through their bloodline of which you have also inherited, but you are no mere member of the clan. Instead you're a paragon of the Uzumaki, their equivalent of Hashirama to the Senju, or Madara to the Uchiha. You now possess a much more powerful body and life force, granting you effective immortality and regeneration on par with Madara’s after he absorbed the Jūbi, and your chakra capacity and quality has been increased by a factor of 4. Your chakra has also gained certain properties alongside it, now a lot more dense you can manifest your pure chakra as constructs and you can now channel any unique properties your chakra possess. You start off with the skill and mastery of utilizing your chakra constructs as chains but are by no means limited to it. Alongside the potency of your chakra, the Uzumaki were known to possess unique qualities within their chakra, such as Karin’s healing, Kushina’s ability to absorb and bind, and more. You can freely modify your chakra properties such as absorbing others chakra or being poisonous at will. You can learn over time to hold multiple chakra properties at once but are only capable of imbuing it with one property to start with. And now finally the Uzumaki’s greatest skill, the one ability which caused other nations fear them so that they banded together to destroy them, Fuinjutsu. Seals are a unique conundrum in the Shinobi world, do they merely store things or can they do everything just in written form? For you it is very much the latter, you are now capable of with time, research, and practice, capable of doing anything with seals. You have the innate ability to understand the nature and language of seals, able to decipher, read, and write in it as easily as breathing. You start off knowing how to replicate any effect you can produce, whether through your body, powers, chakra or anything else but you can do so much more. You can do anything you put a modicum of effort to. Sage Mode (Naruto) Cost: 5 SP Required: Chakra (Naruto) You have acquired the powers of Senjutsu, gaining the ability to use nature Chakra, as well as Senjutsu specific techniques. You have complete control over your nature Chakra, so you don't have to worry about turning into your animal type. You have the choice of a summoning contract with either Snakes, Toads, or Slugs. Snakes are Yin aligned and have more "wizard" like powers, Toads are Yang aligned and have more physical powers, and Slugs are neutral and have healing related powers. You start with one type, but you can take the decidedly non-canonical step of eventually learning the other two. You normally need time to accumulate nature energy, but the time that takes varies, and there are ways to bypass this or work around the restriction. You also become a powerful sensor type, even if you previously were not. This is to the degree that you could detect a specific person even kilometers away. Sage Mode holds many secrets and powers, including massive improvements to any jutsu. Six Paths Senjutsu (Naruto) Cost: 15 SP Required: Sage Mode (Naruto) Your Sage Mode has been improved through fusing with Otsutsuki DNA, granting you access to Six Paths Senjutsu, Truth-seeking Balls, Six Paths Chakra, all major Otsutsuki Kekkei Genkai and Kekkei Mora, and a mental encyclopedia of all ninshu (as well as it's descendants, ninjutsu, taijutsu, & genjutsu) and shinjutsu, although you still have to learn how to use them. You have also been granted a truly immense reserve of chakra surpassing even EOS Naruto though not by that much, have enough strength to uproot an entire God Tree with a single physical attack, enough speed to appear as if you teleported a kilometer and a half away, the reaction speed to dodge light beams, and enough resilience/regeneration to survive being cut in half and regenerate from it. Chakra Ancestor Due to the consumption of the chakra fruit, you have now evolved and achieved a whole new level of power never seen before. Your chakra reserves are enhanced to a monstrous level, matching and surpassing an entire planet’s worth of chakra, blowing even Madara's chakra reserve when he became the Juubi’s Jinchūriki out of the water, meaning that you can wipe out countries and continents easily, and if pushed can destroy a planet with your chakra techniques. You now have access to every Kekkei Genkai and Mora in the show or manga, and can create your own. Your physical stats haven risen insanely, such that your punches with no chakra enchantment could easily wipe out countries and subcontinents, while you can withstand planet destroying attacks and your movement speed/reaction speed is comparable to light. You can choose to keep your normal appearance, maybe with horns or pure white skin if you want, or gain a similar demonic-like form gained by both Momoshiki and Urashiki. Banbutsu With the addition of the Rinnegan you’ve unlocked and mastered three incredibly powerful Onmy�?ton techniques, one of which the very Sage of Six Paths used to create the Bijū. The first technique is Banbutsu S�?z�?, Creation of All Things. Through this you have the ability to turn fantasy into reality. By utilizing Yin to shape and form your imagination into being and then utilizing your Yang chakra to bring it from fantasy into reality. The second technique is Banbutsu Sh�?kyo, Eradication of All Things. Through this you have the ability to turn reality to fantasy. By utilizing Yang to take control of an existing thing and then converting it into Yin you can erase anything from existence that your chakra can get ahold of. The third and final technique is Banbutsu Henk�?, Modification of All Things. By applying both above techniques, one has the ability to modify any existing thing their chakra can get a hold of. By utilizing Yang to take control of an existing thing and then converting it into Yin to reshape and reform from your imagination then back into Yang to bring it back into physical form. Jinchūriki (Naruto) Cost: 15 SP Required: Chakra (Naruto) You’ve been blessed with one of the greatest powers capable of being granted to Shinobi, and one of the Shinobi world’s greatest curses. Within you there had been sealed a great being of power, a beast made of incredibly powerful chakra has now found it’s home deep within your soul. Yours is a bit of a unique case as the beast is no longer sealed within you, it instead has taken a liking to you and stays with you out of its own free will. It has bestowed upon you all it’s awesome power granting you everything from its chakra cloak, tailed beast bomb, its full transformation, and all its unique abilities. The beast can also freely leave to fight alongside you without any detriment to you, and you can easily command its power as you would your own freely mixing it with any other ability you possess. The beast can be of any form you wish, whether a canon bijū or a unique one. Regardless of which beast you choose they are perfectly loyal to you and can not be taken from you without your consent. The beast’s power will be on par with Kurama’s if his overall power would be at least 9 times your own and if you are more powerful the beast’s power will increase until it’s at least 9 times as powerful as you. Your strength can grow to match your beast’s, and if you rise past that point your beast’s power will rise alongside your own. Regardless of its strength in comparison to yours, combining your two powers will multiply your combined power by a factor of 9. If you choose a unique beast you may design a unique technique or ability it has such as Shukaku’s sand or Son Gokū's lava. Perfect Jinchūriki Your inner beast takes on the role and power of your chakra monster, and can now freely manifest physically in the real world. Your synergy and control over its power is now perfect and the beast shares all your abilities as you do theirs. Jūbi Jinchūriki Your beast is no mere bijū, it is an incarnation of the very Shinju itself. Your beast’s power has been dramatically increased by an order of magnitude from before. Your beast now possesses 10 unique abilities that it can share with you and much greater might and chakra capacity, at least on par with the original Jūbi if it has at least 10 times your own power, and 10 times your own if it is greater than that. It doesn’t not have to take the form of the original Jūbi, it can still be its original form such as the fox Kurama or whatever form you chose for it. The factor your power now grows when combined is enhanced by a factor of 10. Phoenix Cost: 20 SP Required: Eternal Flame You are an Immortal Phoenix, the ideal entity of Life and Death balanced as one. You are able to shift between your human and phoenix form in an instant. Immortality Through Rebirth allows you to return to life, at your peak condition and always stronger than before, you gain an innate resistance to the cause of death, no matter how esoteric it is. You are made of Fire on a conceptual level, giving you both an immunity to all forms of fire and heat as well as instinctual control over all fire you control, always burning everything you intend to without any mistakes. Your own Phoenix Fire is more than something physical, it is partially conceptual in nature, allowing you to perform feats like burning away old age, or burning away the space between two distances. Your Phoenix Fire burns itself as a form of fuel, removing any possibility of a simple extinguishment. You are able to restore all entities to their top condition with a mere touch even if you have a bare speck of flesh, regardless of whether they are alive or dead. This healing touch cures them of any and all ailments, diseases, mental illnesses, curses, and anything that negatively affects their mind, body, and soul. This same level of healing is constantly being applied to you at all times, this can be turned down or even off at will. Just as you are able to gift life to others, you are able to rip it from them as well. You can cast any entity into the Wheel of Reincarnation upon death, with enough time and practice you will be able to extinguish souls, permanently removing them from the Wheel of Reincarnation. You passively grow in strength for simply living and with every kill you grow stronger, gaining increased strength for every soul you cast into the Wheel of Reincarnation. Captain (Bleach) Cost: 10 SP Required: Shinigami You have enough Spiritual Power to be considered among the topmost Captain Class Shinigami. You have learned the name of your Zanpakut�? and have become proficient in both Shikai and Bankai. You have also become proficient in the four core techniques of Shinigami and even gained some Kaid�?, healing arts. You have knowledge of all 100 Kido as well as some forbidden Kido and the ability to cast most of them. While you may not surpass the peak masters in their individual field, you are the most well-rounded Captain of Gotei 13. Vasto Lorde (Bleach) Cost: 10 SP Required: Hollow Congratulation! You have achieved the pinnacle of natural evolution of Hollows. As a Vasto Lorde, you are born from devouring numerous souls and possess monstrous appearances adorned with intricate bone armor. You have immense strength, agility, and speed and are capable of wielding devastating spiritual energy. You have also mastered all the powers and abilities of your kind including Cero and its variations, Sonido, and others. Your inherent ability have also increased in both breadth and depth becoming more powerful than before. You are a being that could hold your own against the Captains of Gotei 13. Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) Cost: 5 SP Required: Fullbringer Required: Shinigami Required: Quincy Required: Hollow You're a human, hybrid of a Shinigami, Hollow, Quincy and Fullbringer. Within you is unlimited potential, you are able to become a War Factor, achieve what is seen as impossible and always come back up from the brink of defeat. You start with the power level of a 6th Seat Lieutenant Shinigami. You're capable of achieving the level of a Captain in a fraction of the time it would take for someone else and go much beyond when motivated enough. Even if you are at the brink of death, if you were motivated enough, you would come back, and strong enough to defeat whatever was able to defeat you. You could even substitute the Soul King himself if the conditions were right. Tenseigan (Naruto) Cost: 0 points Required: Byakugan (Naruto) Your inheritance of the Ōtsutsuki has mixed with and enhanced the power of the Hyūga present in your Byakugan. This evolution has caused your, once featureless, white eyes to develop a white floral pattern atop blue irises. You can choose if your Tenseigan remain a soft blue color, or adopt a more radiant gold reminiscent of the energy vessel. The power of your Tenseigan is truly impressive, granting you the ability to animate stone golems, and activate a chakra mode that allows you to affect gravity to the extent of allowing effortless flight, summon Truth Seeking orbs, and use jutsu with enough output to slice the moon in half. This chakra mode is strong enough to allow a relatively weak member of the Ōtsutsuki Clan to briefly fight with a perfect, mature full ninetails jinchūriki; in your hands, its abilities will truly shine. The default color of the chakra mode is cyan, but you are free to choose a different color. Energy Vessel Your elevation through the Six Paths grants you the knowledge and ability to cultivate and assimilate other Byakugan users' eyes in order to form a massive energy vessel. As this vessel develops, it will be able to provide the ability to colonize a place as desolate as the moon, providing light and breathable atmosphere. The vessel's impressive control over gravity will even allow for stabilizing the hollowing out of the moon, making the interior habitable, or even changing the very orbit to send the moon on a path of your choosing. The vessel can power puppets and other automatons, and can project a barrier that makes it difficult to be found by those who lack awareness of it to begin with. A jutsu placed on the vessel prevents anyone except for your descendants or those of your choosing who carry your chakra from even making physical contact; those that do will find their chakra absorbed. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan (Naruto) Cost: 0 SP Required: Sharingan (Naruto) The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan represents the pinnacle evolution of the Mangekyo Sharingan, which itself is the advanced stage of the Sharingan. This power enhances every aspect of the Sharingan to an exceptional degree, while also unlocking a host of additional abilities that push the boundaries of its potential. That includes changing your Sharingan shape into a distinct and mesmerizing pinwheel pattern of your choosing. Summoning and manifesting several stages of the avatar known as Susanoo. This formidable entity can get up to an astounding 250 meters tall and is composed of pure energy. It serves both as an impenetrable shield and an unstoppable weapon, capable of unleashing devastating attacks that could slice an entire mountain range in half. Lastly, unique techniques exclusive to your Mangekyo eyes, which can be selected within it's own hidden tab beneath the upgrades section. Your Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and it's abilities can be used as many times as you wish to, without limitations, adverse effects, or strain. You can freely utilize it as many times as desired, without fear of depletion or negative repercussions. Eternal Mangekyo Rinne-Sharingan With the consumption of the chakra fruit, the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan has evolved into something that has never been seen before, something truly remarkable, The Eternal Mangekyo Rinne-Sharingan. This power enhances every aspect of the Rinne-Sharingan to an exceptional degree, while also boosting the host of additional abilities that the Mangekyo had access to. The power of the Susanoo has been greatly increased, boosting its size to a whopping 500 meters tall, and making it capable of unleashing slice an entire moon in half with a mere swing of its blade. Eternal Rinnegan (Naruto) Cost: 0 SP Required: Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan (Naruto) Required: Rinnegan (Naruto) As your Rinnegan awakens, your Uchiha lineage pulsates with newfound vigor, granting you a wealth of techniques surpassing conventional expectations. Each of your paths gains an additional ability to start with. The Deva Path gains the power of Amenotejikara. You are now capable of shifting spaces of yourself, others, objects or even techniques. You do not need to be looking at whatever you are going to shift. This also allows you to create a dark swirling portal to teleport, even to other dimensions. The Asura Path gains the power of Yahata. Through it you gain an increased level of physical ability, roughly on par with a mature nine-tails jinchūriki empowered by Six Paths Senjutsu and a healing ability like Creation Rebirth without any of the negative side effects. The Human Path gains the power of Yūrei. Through it you gain the ability to shift, into and back, in a ghost like state where you can selectively choose to be intangible, invisible, inaudible and grants you the ability to fly. Each aspect can be turned on and off individually. But most importantly this allows you to possess those you can touch, controlling them completely. You can freely access their memories and are incapable of making a mistake while controlling them if you do not wish to do so. The Animal Path gains the power of Limbo. Through it you gain the ability to manifest four extra dimensional clones, impervious to detection by any natural or supernatural senses, or any physical damage through conventional means. These clones share any ability or powers you may have. You can also instantaneously teleport between your four clones, swiftly evading any threats that you may find unescapable. The Preta Path gains the power of Sentan. Through it you gain the ability to transform defeated enemies into a chakra filled edibles in the shape of a chakra fruit. By ingesting it either you or another that you give it to will gain an increase in chakra capacity as well as the abilities of the defeated enemies. You can also choose if this grants a transformation or not. The Naraka Path gains the ability of Edo Tensei, you are now capable of turning your body, into and back, of that of an Edo Tensei turning you immortal and allowing you to regenerate even if completely obliterated, as long as soul remains intact. With the passage of time, your connection to the Rinnegan deepens, unlocking further techniques, each one echoes the eternal essence of the Uchiha bloodline coursing through your veins, exemplifying the indomitable legacy you bear. +100 SP -200 CP +5 SP -10 CP